Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn (Phoenix)

Neil's picture

I was quite intrigued by the premise for this novel, and it's been a big word-of-mouth hit, so I thought it might make for good holiday reading. It kind-of did, and I enjoyed it for about two thirds of the book, and then I just couldn't believe in it anymore. The characters are all deeply unpleasant, but the mystery and the revelations around Amy's disappearance keep the book rollicking along, and the clever structure of husband Nick's narration alternating with apparent diary entries from Amy add to the intrigue. There's a major revelation about half way in, which is good, but soon after that the characters all start to behave in completely unbelievable ways, and by the end I thought it had unravelled completely. Worth a crack on holiday, but not as good as it could have been in the hands of a better writer, perhaps..